What is interjection?

THE interjection it is part of the class of invariable words in the Portuguese language and its main objective is to translate the emotion present in speech onto paper. When represented in writing, it is followed by an exclamation point, also known as “keyword”, because it represents in a small expression a phrase that could be described in an utterance more elaborate.

At interjections they represent the countless emotive reactions of the speakers and can assume the role of the vocative, in addition to verbal units, such as the imperative mode. They can be represented by four types:

1) Vowel sounds: Oh! Ah! Hey!

2) Words used in the language: Hello! Hello! Gosh! Now!

3) Words that reproduce animal or object noises: Tic tac, click, paddle!

4) Interjective voiceovers: Alas! Cross-creed!

Interjections are present in our speech acts, being represented in writing by four different types, always followed by exclamation *
Interjections are present in our speech acts, being represented in writing by four different types, always followed by exclamation *

Interjections can also express ideas of:

Relief: Ah!

Admiration: Oh!

Wish: Hopefully!

Physical pain: Ouch!

Impatience: Go away!

Greeting: Hello!

Farewell: Bye!

It is important to note that the interjections depend on the melodic contours we give them in the speech moment, making them more or less expressive according to the context in which the speaker is inserted.

* Comics Calvin and Haroldo, by Bill Watterson.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/o-que-e/portugues/o-que-e-interjeicao.htm

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