Japanese Language Glossary

For many, speaking in Japanese is almost impossible, imagine yourself in a situation where you need to know of the Japanese language, but you don't know anything, therefore you won't be able to establish communication through this tongue. So you don't get lost (a) we made a list with some words in Portuguese that were translated into Japanese:

Portuguese Japanese Portuguese Japanese
Bellow Shita Party Paachii
Open Aita To stay Naru
April Shigatsu flower Hana
Open Akeru To win Morau
gym Dojo (usually martial arts) Bottle bin
Accident jiko Cat neko
Sugar satoo Ice koori
Goodbye Sayoonara Yummy oishii
Water Mizu Government seif
Love Oh suru War senseo
Friend Nakama story rekishi
Love There Man otoko
Birthday tanjoobi Hour Hoteru
Sand suna Humor Yuumoa
Until made Age Nerei
Bank Ginjoo Island Shima
Pub baa interior Inaka
Hit Utsu Winter fuyu
Kiss kisu Already Mill
Well yoku January Ishigatsu
Mouth Kuchi Japan Nihon
Cap booshi Knee Hiza
Brazil Burajiru Game geemu
Hair Kami Side Yoko
waterfall Taki Tears namida
Puppy inu Home katei
Notebook nooto To wash Arau
Coffee koohii To read yomu
Cramp Keiren Clean kirei
Box Dashi To fight Tatakau
Heat atsui Morning Wing
Bed beddo Hand You
Song Uta Sea Umi
Sing Whoa March Sangatsu
Beef Niku Doctor Isha
expensive takai watermelon suika
Letter tegami Month Tsuki
Horse One Teacher Sensei
Sky Sora Minute fun
Boss Okashira Girlfriend baaru-boring
To arrive Tsuku Boyfriend Booi-fuendo/Koibito
To cry Naku North Kita
Rain love Eyes Me
Eat Taberu Bone hon
Heart Kokoro/Shinzoo perfume Koosui
Culture Bunka Danger Pinchi
Dance Dansu Pool puuru
Date Hizuke Pull hiku
In At the Mouse Nezumi
Finger Yubi Message Kotozuke
Tooth There is Clock tokei
Later Act Meeting haigi
To wish Nozomu Face kao
Di hi salt Shito
Tip hymn jump Kakato
Candy love Secret himitsu
Sunday Nichi yoobi Sun Taiyoo
Is it over there Kanojvo Size Saizu
He Kare Forehead Hitai
Elevator Erebutaa To take taru
Email Denshi Muru Cough seki
Company kaisha Sad Kanashii
To loan Kasu Last Sago
School Gakkoo Nail Tsune
Mirror kagami Grape budoo
Star hoshi cow Ushi
I love you Aishiteru Poison doku
Great saikoo To see miru
college daigaku Red aka
Family Kazoku Voice koe
Happiness houfuku Volcano Kazan
Vacation Yasumi Cup Kappu

by Eliene Percília
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/japao/glossario-lingua-japonesa.htm

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