Melinda and Bill Gates discuss the post-pandemic world

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A coronavirus pandemic caused several large events, such as graduations, to be cancelled. In the United States, universities usually invite prominent people to give speeches in honor of the moment. But in 2020 it was different.

Even if they cannot perform face-to-face presentations to thousands of people, the millionaire and philanthropist couple Melinda and Bill Gates published a speech intended for all 2020 graduates via the Wall Street Journal and the Gates Notes website.

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In addition to the couple, great personalities have already made memorable speeches, such as Sheryl Sandberg, from Facebook; Apple's Steve Jobs; and former US president Barack Obama.

Melinda and Bill Gates give speech online

In the published speech, the duo recalls the emblematic speech of US Secretary George C. Marshall in 1947 for students at Harvard University.

At the time, Marshall pointed to the need to help with efforts to rebuild Europe, which had been devastated by the

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Second World War, through a plan named after him: marshall plan.

According to the Gates, the world is in a similar situation, as it suffers from great losses of lives and in the economy. The difference is that the coronavirus is not local, but is felt globally.

“The world faces mass suffering and economic devastation. Once again, nations will need to come together to rebuild. The inextricable ties between the world's people are something your generation understands better than perhaps any that came before them."

“For many of you, the path you envisioned after graduation can suddenly be much steeper. Class of 2020, these are not easy times. But we will go through them. And with your leadership, the world will be stronger than before.”

Check out the full text of the speech here!

See also: Enem 2020 will have registrations from May 11th to 22nd. Check out the full calendar!
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