After 50: 3 exercises that are almost impossible for your knees

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It is important to clarify that age should not be an obstacle to carrying out physical activities, tasks or exercises, as Marc Phillips PT, DPT, OCS, Regional Franchise Consultant at FYZICAL Therapy & Balance Centers. However, it is crucial to take into account your level of function and previous conditioning.

If you are concerned that certain exercises may be too challenging for your knees after If you're in your 50s and that worry is keeping you from exercising, Phillips offers some guidelines.

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He emphasized that some movements can only be performed if you are properly conditioned for them or if they are already part of your exercise routine.

Phillips also points out that all of these activities can be goals to achieve through an exercise progression, but they shouldn't be the starting point for someone just starting out.

3 Exercises That Will Get Harder After 50

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Deep squats or heavy weight squats

In order to preserve the health of the knees, it is advisable to avoid deep squats or squats with heavy loads. These movements can place excessive stress on the knee joint and potentially damage the cartilage surrounding the knee joint.

Phillips clarifies that “deep” refers to sinking very low while squatting, while “heavy” refers to using additional weights.

high impact running

It is not uncommon to find that running can become a challenging activity for the knees after the age of 50. This is due to the high impact involved, which places a considerable load on the soft tissues surrounding the knee joints.

extension chair

Phillips warns that the exercise offered by this machine can be dangerous, as it tends to apply a excessive pressure or torque on the back of the kneecap, which can lead to early development of arthritis. As a safer alternative to leg extensions, he suggests performing straight leg raises.

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