Test your skills: solve this hangman game about mythology

O hangman game is ideal for generating entertainment, as well as helping with vocabulary expansion and spelling. Once the theme is chosen, you'll need to figure out what the right word is, but before you fall for the gallows. In the article below we leave a challenge for you.

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Solve this hangman game about mythology

Great form of entertainment, this game strengthens the bond between you and the person playing it, and besides, how was it mentioned above, it serves as a stimulus for attention and for improving spelling, you will certainly speed up your thinking with the practice.

How to play

The selected word is related to the theme, which in the case of this challenge you are going to do is: “Greek mythology”. Then you will check the amount of letters it has and try to make the deduction based on the letters presented.

That's it, now that we've familiarized you with the game, let's get to the challenges.

challenge 1

Now that you know how the game works, let's go to the first challenge, this Greek God or Goddess has 7 letters in the name, can you find out what they are?

Hangman game.

We will reveal two more letters, we hope it will make it easier for you to discover.

Hangman game.

Now I bet you already know which Greek god or goddess is in the hangman game. In case your chances are over before you find out, don't worry, here's the result.

Hangman game.

challenge 2

Now let's go to another challenge, this word below contains 8 letters. Shall we go for one more?

Hangman game.

Again, to make it easier for you to complete the challenge, we'll reveal 2 more letters.

Hangman game.

I believe that after these two letters, you have certainly discovered the word. But in case your chances are over again before you find out, don't worry, here's the result.

Hangman game.

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