How to choose the foods to build a balanced lunch box

To build a lunch bag healthy, the ideal is to flee from industrialized and ultra-processed foods. In addition, nutritionists recommend that the school lunch be balanced, after all, it is consumed five times a week. For this, it must be composed of the three food groups.

Food groups that should be in the lunch box

  • Builder foods

They are the foods responsible for the formation and construction of our body. encompass the proteins generally. The foods in this group that I usually put in lunch boxes are:

- Milks;

- Yogurts;

- White cheeses;

- Eggs.

Read too: Allergy to cow's milk protein (APLV)

  • Regulatory foods

Foods are responsible for our immunity and that help in the formation of our bones. In this group are fruits and vegetables. Some foods from this group:

- Fruits in general (give preference to seasonal fruits);

- Baby carrots;

- Tomatoes;

- Cucumber.

Always give preference to fresh fruit. The juices, in addition to having a lot of fructose (fruit sugar), lose most of the fiber in the preparation.

  • energy foods

As the name implies, it is the foods that provide energy for our body. In this group are the carbohydrates generally. Our snacks usually have:

- Homemade cakes;

- Breads (preferably wholegrain);

- Savory muffins;

- Granola;

- Popcorn;

- Homemade cookies;

- Homemade baked snacks;

- Cheese breads;

- Pancakes;

- Crepioca;

- Tapioca;

- Tapioca diced;

- Green corn;

- Cooked Corn Meal.

By placing one food from each group, the snack is balanced, meeting the child's needs.


Another big question is the drinks. You can choose to send:

- Milk, which is a food builder. This milk can be varied as pure milk, milk with cocoa, milk with honey (over 2 years), milk shaken with fruit etc.

- Water, which is excellent for hydrating our body, in addition to teaching children the importance of consumption. Water can also be flavored with fruits and leaves.

- Caffeine-free teas such as chamomile, fennel, lemongrass, fruit etc.

Read too: Risks of excessive consumption of soda

menu suggestions

Here are some snacks with one food from each group:

Suggestion 1

  • Cheese bread
  • Tangerine
  • milk with honey

Suggestion 2

  • Green corn
  • Carrot
  • Quail egg
  • Guava 
  • Milk

Suggestion 3

  • Frying pan with mozzarella in the sandwich maker
  • Cucumber
  • carrots
  • tomatoes
  • White cheese 
  • Tangerine 
  • Tea

Suggestion 4

  • Popcorn
  • carrots
  • tomatoes
  • Cream cheese
  • Plum 
  • hot tea

Suggestion 5

  • cheese cookies
  • Guava
  • carrots
  • tomatoes 
  • Whipped milk with banana

Suggestion 6

  • cheese muffin
  • Peach 
  • Whipped milk with banana

By Carolina Godinho

Source: Brazil School -

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