How can Big Brother Brasil help you professionally?

The success Big Brother Brazil, which is currently in its 23rd year, may just be an entertainment show for some, but there's a lot you can get out of it. For example, it is possible to use relationships within the home as a basis for our own daily lives, learning what to do and what not to do with reality participants.

Confined in the same environment until the end of the program, participants sometimes need to relate as if they were in an environment of work, being necessary to use skills known as soft skills (soft skills).

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These soft skills are behavioral skills, related to the way a person deals with others, and even with himself, in the most diverse situations. Unlike hard skills, they are subjective, and sometimes more difficult to measure.

Some examples of soft skills are:

  • Emotional intelligence: being able to recognize and deal with one's own emotions and those of others;
  • Resilience: it is the response given by the person when facing adverse situations or having to make a decision under pressure;
  • Assertive communication: ability to make yourself understood in a clear and assertive way, establishing order and linearity;
  • Team work: teamwork is essential to achieve satisfactory results, and it is necessary to deal with colleagues in a respectful and cooperative manner;
  • Leadership: being able to inspire others to achieve a result, being seen as a positive reference.

All these skills mentioned can be seen in practice in the day-to-day life of the most watched house in Brazil. So you can figure out how to behave in a given professional situation and get the most out of it.

In addition, the job market is always looking for professionals with these subjective skills. So, if you can't put the tips into practice in your current profession, you can use them to earn your place in the job market.

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