This week, more precisely on September 19, seven other Brazilian capitals received the new 3.5 gigahertz (GHz) mobile internet band of the new modality 5G. The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) released the launch of the new technology in the cities of Aracaju, Boa Vista, Campo Grande, Cuiabá, Maceió, São Luís and Teresina.
Read more: How 5G will revolutionize internet usage beyond cell phone speed
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This decision came after a meeting held by the Monitoring Group for the Implementation of Solutions for Interference Problems (GAISPI) on the 5G network, which is led by ANATEL. As a result of this decision, a total of 22 Brazilian capitals can now rely on the new internet speed in the country, if their phones are compatible. In the North of the country, only five capitals still do not have the technology, namely: Porto Velho, Rio Branco, Macapá, Manaus and Belém.
The schedule that was officially released by ANATEL is counting on the activation of 5G in all Brazilian capitals until November 27 of this year. The date, however, may end up being anticipated if the operators are able to complete the installation of the antennas and filters before the stipulated period, and GAISPI performs the authorization to release the signal.
According to information from ANATEL, the operators Claro, Tim and Vivo, which won the national licenses in this new internet category mobile in an auction at the end of 2021, will have to carry out the installations in a minimum quantity that was pre-established in each capital they are operate. Each of the operators will need to activate at least eight stations in Aracaju, five in Boa Vista, eleven in Campo Grande, eight in Cuiabá, thirteen in Maceió, fourteen in São Luís and eleven in Teresina.
In this part of the program, the bidding notice says that a 5G antenna needs to be activated for every 100,000 inhabitants. The number of stations will increase as time goes by and technology advances as well. In the interior of our country, the 5G signal is expected to be activated gradually until the year 2029, according to ANATEL's schedule.
5G also has another name, Standalone (SA), offering a speed about ten times greater than 4G, in addition to having a shorter delay in responses to user commands.
This technology is already being offered in 15 other capitals in addition to the new seven. They are: Brasília, Belo Horizonte, João Pessoa, Porto Alegre, São Paulo, Curitiba, Salvador, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, Palmas, Vitória, Florianópolis, Recife, Fortaleza and Natal.