The Brazil Aid is no longer enough to guarantee the basic food basket

O Brazil Aid is a government financial assistance program that replaced Bolsa Família, and seeks to direct public policies for people in situations of poverty.

The program is responsible for transferring R$ 400 to registered families, so that they have access to resources such as basic food baskets. However, due to inflation, it is no longer possible to guarantee this basket of food with that amount.

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In this article, we will address the impact of inflation in the main cities of Brazil.

See more: Is it possible for the Brazil Aid to increase its value?

food price inflation

If you usually shop for the month, you've noticed that prices are getting higher and higher. This is a consequence of the inflation that has hit the country since 2020, especially during the first half of 2022.

According to IBGE data, food prices increased by 8.26% in April, however, the Aid Brazil does not keep up with this increase, which makes it more difficult to acquire the basic basket only with the benefit.

Price of basic food baskets in Brazil

The Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese) carried out a survey in 17 Brazilian cities to assess the price of basic food baskets. Among all the cities evaluated, in none of them is it possible to purchase a basic food basket for R$ 400. The city that comes closest to this price is Aracaju - SE, with the basket at R$ 507.82, which exceeds the price of the Auxílio Brasil by R$ 107.82.

The city with the most expensive basic food basket in the country was São Paulo -SP, which has the highest cost of living in Brazil. In the capital of São Paulo, the basket costs R$ 761.19, and the price is followed by the city of Rio de Janeiro - RJ, whose value of the basic basket reaches R$ 750.71.

According to Dieese, Brazilians benefiting from the aid cannot afford these amounts. Therefore, a large portion of society is in a vulnerable situation, eating poorly or actually going hungry.

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