Snapchat creates new filters and encourages sign language learning

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The fashion for photo and video filters started a few years ago with the Snapchat app. The social network was one of the first to embark on this theme and invest in short videos. However, just as it appeared, it quickly ceased to be among the famous apps. However, in the last month of September, the company released new updates.

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What's New – Snapchat

Three new augmented reality filters have been released that will help users with sign language. Through the novelties, users will be able to represent their names through signs. Simple words such as love, hug and smile are also on the list.

The inclusive tools were developed with the help of deaf and hard of hearing Snap employees. They use artificial intelligence resources from startup SignAll. She created a new technology specifically aimed at the inclusion of deaf people in the digital world.

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In a simple explanation, the app tracks the movement of users' hands and performs the translation. This translation occurs through a parallel between spoken language and sign language.

The Snapchat news was spearheaded by software engineer Jennica Pounds. She is one of the hearing-impaired employees who works for the company.

In one of Snapchat's publications on social networks, the engineer talks about her son. Learning sign language was difficult for the boy at first and that was one of the motivational factors. The employee also emphasizes the importance for other families.

“I'm passionate about this technology because I really believe it will open up a lot of applications. It's technology like this that will help families like mine communicate and grow together,” said Pounds.

The new Snapchat feature is only available in the United States of America (US). After all, initially, the tool uses translation exclusively into North American sign language. However, this was an important step towards the emergence of more new technologies of the genre in more apps.

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