Project Tiger gives hope to nearly extinct tigers in India

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Human interference on the planet leads to great destruction of the ecosystem and thousands of animal and plant species on the brink of extinction. Among them are the tigers, which have suffered a drastic drop in their population during the last century, especially in India. However, the growing population of tigers in India, thanks to Project Tiger, renews hopes of removing the extinction tigers.

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Check out the explanation of the drastic drop and the increasing population of tigers in India:

population decline

The constant interference of man in nature causes a gradual reduction of natural habitats and visible changes in the planet's ecosystem. This has driven thousands of animal species to the brink of extinction.

Among them, the tiger, which until the beginning of the century had a large population, reaching 100,000 inhabitants, but which in 2006 reached critical population levels.

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Such a decline is the result of the amazing growth and population expansion experienced by India, being the country where about 75% of the world's population of tigers is found.

Project Tiger

Changing this bleak reality in India has come about thanks to the efforts made by Project Tiger. Which in its 50 years of existence celebrates a significant increase in the feline population and its habitats in India.

Its results are unquestionable, between 2006 and 2022, the resulting population of tigers more than doubled, reaching 3,167 in the country. An act of hope for individuals fighting species extinction.

These results place Projeto Tiger as a reference for other world preservation organizations and are a direct consequence of small and large government actions, such as:

  • The prohibition of hunting these animals;
  • Investment in the purchase of drones and population monitoring systems and;
  • The construction of another 42 reserves through the relocation of villages.

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