Altri usi dei tempi: Trapassato e Imperfetto semplice al Congiuntivo

It is possible to use the tempi Trapassato and Imperfetto alway congiuntivo di altre way. Vedi eats! / It is possible to use the ‘Trapassato’ and ‘Imperfetto’ tenses of the ‘congiuntive’ mode in other ways. See how!

 When in the main sentence c’è a consenso verb o di desidero, the di volontà o di preferenza coniugato al condizionale present oppure passato. See the structure! / When there is in the main sentence a verb with a sense of desire, will or preference, conjugated in the future of the simple past tense (indicative) or future of the compound past tense (indicative). See the structure!

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Vorrei che Anna non were andanta al cinema with Paolo. / I wish Anna hadn't gone to the movies with Paolo.

2) I'll prefer you leftover the house with noi and non uscissi con lui. / I would prefer you to stay at home with us and not go out with him.

3) Avrei favorite che i ragazzi pit Thurs vicino to noi. / I would have preferred the boys here near us.

4) Avrei voluto che Anna non

were venuta of Roma per le Feste di Natale. / I would have wished Anna hadn't come from Rome for the Christmas holidays.

 When you formulate domande indirette coi verbi – chiedersi and domandarsi. Vedi gli esempi! / When indirect questions are asked with the verbs – ‘chiedersi’ and ‘domandarsi’. See the examples!

Esempi:/ Examples:

1) Mi hanno chiesto sulla scuola come se la conoscessi. / They asked me about the school as if I knew it.

2) Taming me if Giulia sapesse già la verità./ I wonder if Giulia already knew the truth.

3) When il treno is partito ci siamo domantati se aversismo lasciato qualcosa nella railway station./ When the train left we wondered if we had left anything at the train station.

4) Mi chiedo se Carlo aversion from tutta la verità to Giulia, le cose sarebbero diverse. / I wondered if Carlo had told Giulia the whole truth, things would be different.

Osservassioni: / Observations:

 All the Italian language il Mode Condizionale and i tempi Present and Passato is equivalent to Mode ‘Indicative’ and there tempi 'Future of simple past tense' and 'Future of compound past tense' respectively alla lingua portghese. / In the Italian language, the Mode 'Condizionale' and the times 'Presente' and 'Passato' are equivalent to the Indicative Mode and to the tenses Futuro do Pretérito simple and Futuro do Pretérito composed, respectively, in Portuguese.

 It is important to direct the Congiuntive Mode is equivalent to the ‘Subjunctive Mode’ alla lingua portoghese. / It is important to say that the ‘Congiuntive’ Mode is equivalent to the Subjunctive Mode in the Portuguese language.

Attention!/ Attention!

If you want to know more about it: Present/Passato, you can access the text: “Altri use the tempi: Present and Passato in Congiuntive mode”./ If you want to know other uses of the ‘Present/Passato’ tenses, just access the text: “Altri usi dei tempi: Present and Passato al Modo Congiuntivo”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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