Entries are open for the 15th Rio Artes Manuais

Rio Artes Manuais is a craft fair that takes place annually in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The fair brings together artisans from various regions of the country and abroad, offering a wide variety of handcrafted products, such as clothes, accessories, furniture, decorative objects, work in fabrics, ceramics, glass, leather, wood and others materials. For this year, registration has already opened.

General information about Rio Artes Manuais

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The Secretary of State for Culture and Economy Creative from Rio de Janeiro (Sececrj) has opened a call for artisans from Rio de Janeiro who want to participate in the 15th Rio Artes Manuais. The largest fair in Latin America will be held between March 15th and 19th.

The theme of the event is “I do Art, I do Part” and it was chosen through a popular vote via the internet.

How to apply?

Registration is now open and will run until the 26th of this month. To register, simply access the site of the event.

Interested artists can enter up to two pieces of crafts, in the size of 40 centimeters (cm) in height, 30 cm in width and length and a maximum weight of 3 kilos, to compete for one of the vacancies. Three works from each administrative region of the state will be selected, totaling 30 pieces.

Types of craft objects: modeling clay, clay or ceramics, modeling in biscuit, reuse of materials, creative sewing, wood carving, basketwork, free and creative embroidery, hand painting, crochet, wood painting, collage and macramé.

Who can join?

  • Craftsmen over 18 years old;
  • Representative entities such as associations or cooperatives.

Importance of the fair

According to secretary Danielle Barros, handicrafts are very important for the city: “It carries the tradition and cultural and social expression of Rio de Janeiro. Our intention, by opening our booth to the population, is precisely to share this space with artisans from Rio de Janeiro and guarantee the promotion of their art”, she said.

The fair is a great opportunity to learn about the work of artisans from different regions of Brazil and the world, in addition to purchasing unique and exclusive handmade pieces.

Still according to the secretary, the event will be directed to issues of integration, accessibility and belonging, without forgetting the aspect of entrepreneurship and cultural expression.

event location

The 15th edition of Rio Artes Manuais will take place at the Expomag Convention Center, in Cidade Nova, downtown.

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