King Louis-Stanislas-Xavier, Count of Provence, Louis XVIII

French king (1814 - 1824) and Count of Provence born in Versailles, younger brother of Louis XVI and first Bourbon to reign in France after the revolution (1789). After the revolution he fled (1791) and, in exile, took up counter-revolutionary positions. With the death at the guillotine of the French kings (1793), he took over the regency in the name of his nephew Louis XVII and on his death (1795), he adopted the name of Louis XVIII. He participated in the counter-revolution, commanding the invasion of troops into France from abroad.

With the fall of Napoleon (1814), he triumphantly entered Paris, was declared king, and swore a constitution that provided for an executive power in the hands of the monarchy, a bicameral parliament, religious tolerance and civil rights, but had to accept the Treaty of Paris in which the borders of France returned to those of the period of Revolution (1792). His reign was interrupted by Napoleon (1815), exiled again during the hundred days of Napoleonic restoration, returned to power after the defeat of the dictator at Waterloo (1815).

From then on, the ultra-realist monarchists began to lead the country's internal policy, persecuting the partisans of the Revolution and the Bonapartists. His reign represented the first period of parliamentary normalcy after the revolution, although it has had many problems in confronting the extremist monarchic factions, contrary to the liberalism. Politically he accepted to be constitutional monarch and introduced and strove to apply the parliamentary system to a country deeply divided by political struggles.

During his government there are many struggles between the liberals and the ultra-realists led by his brother, the Count of Artois, future Carlos X, who sought to restore the Ancien Régime. He died in Paris, was buried in the Basilique de Saint-Denis and, as he had no children, was succeeded by his brother, crowned Charles X.

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