RUN! Enem 2023 registration closes this Friday (16)

Registration for the 2023 edition of the Enem (National High School Examination) closes this Friday, April 16.

Those who wish to participate in the exam can register at Participant's Page until the deadline. The registration fee will be R$ 85, with the payment deadline being June 21st.

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Extra income! Learn how to earn up to R$ 768 from Enem on weekends

Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…

At this time, candidates who were exempt from the fee and those who were not exempt must register. The candidate who does not register, therefore, will not be able to take the test.

The edict containing the Enem 2023 schedule and guidelines was published earlier this month. In addition to providing information on exam dates and times, the document presents the documents requirements and responsibilities of the participant, including situations that may result in their elimination.

In the announcement, published by the National Institute of Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), the basic criteria for correcting the tests, as well as all other obligations that the participant must to fulfill.

Enem 2023

O And either it has several possibilities to enter a Brazilian public university and, with a system aimed at vacancies, the test allows other forms of entry into higher education.

In addition to SiSU (Unified Selection System), which directs candidates to public vacancies, the entrance exam also grants the opportunity to finance studies through FIES (Student Financing Fund) or getting scholarships at private universities through ProUni (University for All Program), with 50% or 100% discount.

One of the information contained in the announcement is the decision not to offer the digital version of the test this year. This measure was taken due to the high costs compared to the low demand for the digital format.

The tests will be on two consecutive Sundays, the first stage on November 5th and the second evaluation stage on November 12th.

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