Dad finds $260 lost after daughter hides it in unusual location

Mike McArdle, resident of Ontario, Canada, thought he had lost 260 dollars, after spending months looking for the money. However, in yet another episode of children's curiosities, he discovered the amount in an unusual place, thanks to a mishap by his young daughter.

Continue reading to understand better and have fun with the unusual story of the father looking for a lost money hidden by daughter.

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Where is the money that was here?

After selling a table on online stores, Mike McArdle received 350 Canadian dollars, the equivalent of 260 US dollars. According to him, after the sale, he left the money on his desk in the office, but when he went to deposit it some time later, he realized that the amount was no longer there.

McArdle was stunned and said that "I couldn't think where I could have left the money or how I had lost it". Until, three months after the amount disappeared, McArdle's 4-year-old daughter called him to “play store”.

At that moment, something unusual happened. Mike claims that his daughter had a toy cash register and improvised a store with her toys in her room. “When I went to buy something, she opened the cashier to give me my change and there it was”, he laughs.

The discovery surprised him. The missing money was at the bottom of McArdle's daughter's plastic cash register drawer.

The father claims that he would never think of looking for the money in the children's room, which comes out in defense of the little one. “My daughter is an honest child and she would never intentionally steal anything. I asked her about it and I remember her saying she didn't see it and I asked her what it was like,” says Mike.

The assumption for what happened, according to McArdle, is the similarity of the child's toy money to Canadian dollars, which led to confusion.

The case has already happened for some time, but he shared on the reddit the situation, which already has more than 138,000 likes and approximately 2,500 comments.

“I remember how relieved I was to find the money and how funny it was when I realized where it was,” chuckled Mike.

In the comments, some users shared other unusual children's curiosities, like this one: “My wife thought she had thrown the wedding ring away. Then I found the ring in my 5-year-old son's jewelry box."

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