Know which are the dangerous sites you should NEVER visit

The act of navigating Internet it's something that many people find fun and quite enjoyable. However, it is better to be aware of some risks, as there are dangerous websites who can put their privacy and information in a complicated situation. Therefore, see in this article some dangerous sites that should be avoided.

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Which sites should not be accessed?

The internet is a very large place. Thus, in the same way that there are people with good intentions, there are others who are not, and that is why they end up creating sites that can invade the privacy of users. Therefore, it is important to be careful when browsing the web.

1. download via torrent

Although Torrent's popularity has waned due to new content sharing options, it is still heavily used. However, the high level of risk associated with downloading documents from specialist websites has not changed.

What happens is that downloads are sent directly from other computers. This means that they might be infected with malware and viruses. If you need to access Torrent sites, keep your antivirus program up to date and active.

2. fake sales websites

Unfortunately, there are many fake online shopping websites. Cybercriminals copy web pages of large companies and post them online to make fraudulent sales. This means that the money is handed over to the criminal, and the consumer does not receive the desired goods.

To avoid attacks, check the page URL to see if it corresponds to reality. If necessary, contact the support team, and always visit the company's official website before making a purchase on an online sales page.

3. Websites for Adults

Generally speaking, pages offering explicit adult content are often hosted on untrustworthy websites. There are numerous sites that pose risks to users and can infect computers. If the page asks you to install any external codecs, it's best to deny the request and be more careful with the site.

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