Sillaba tonics. The stressed syllable in Italian

Significance / Meanings:

* “Di vocale the sillaba accentata, sillabe atone and toniche // tonic accent, which determines the sillaba accentata: individuare l’accento tonico di una parola. / Stressed vowel or syllable, unstressed and stressed syllables // stressed accent, that which determines the intonation of the word: recognizes or locates the stressed stress.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Sabatini-Coletti.

** “Si dice di vocale the sillaba su cui cade l'accento di intensità; anche, dell'accento stesso." / It is said of the vowel or syllable in which the accent of intensity falls, in addition to the same emphasis.

**Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Garzanti.

When we parliam a parola (per esempio, hula hoop) la you si ferma con great intensity sulla sillaba (bambooreadat). Diciamo allora, che le sillabe and le vocali accentate si chiamano: sillabe toniche, and le altre sillabale and vocali non accentate come, atone. / When we speak a word (for example, hula hoop) the voice stops with great intensity on the syllable li (bambo

readat). We say, then, that the accented syllables and vowels are called: stressed syllables; and the other unstressed, unstressed syllables and vowels.

Puntata! / Tip!

Italian language uncontriamo molte parole piane or parossitone, in verità, loro sono maggioranzza del vocabolario della lingua, che vuol dire che l'accento cade sulla penultima sillaba. Osserva gli esempi! / In the Italian language we find many paroxytone words, in fact, they are the majority of the language's vocabulary, which means that the accent falls on the penultimate syllable. Watch the examples!

Esempi: / Examples:

• Baatle;
• Caninthere;
• Hersziohuh;
• Geologia, ecc.

Ovvimente l'accento può anche cadere in altre sillabe della parola, and così potendo ricevere an altro name secondo la loro caduta. Allora, oltre le piane o parossitone, ci sono: le tronche o ossitone, le sdrucciole o proparositone, le rare bisdrucciole and le trisdrucciole. Sotto vedrai alcuni esempi and dove cade ogni accento alla sillaba./ Obviously, the accent can fall on other syllables of the word, and so can be given another name according to its fall. So, in addition to the paroxytones, there are the oxytones and the proparoxytones. Below you will see some examples and where each accent falls on the syllable.

See the sillabe toniche sono in distacco, in nero. / See that stressed syllables are highlighted in black.

Attention! / Heads up!

bisdrucciole parole sono quelle che la sillaba tonica cade sulla fourth sillaba, and trisdrucciole parole sono quelle che la sillaba tonica cade sulla quintultima sillaba. / ‘bisdrucciole’ words are those whose stressed syllable falls on the fourth syllable; and ‘trisdrucciole’ words are those whose stressed syllable falls on the fifth syllable.

Sign up! / Observation!

Al portoghese, non ci sono accenti tonici che siano equivalent to alle bisdrucciole and alle trisdrucciole – però it is possible to serve in alcune parole della language english the presence of an accent detto secondario, oltre il principale – informazione tirata dalla “New Grammar of Contemporary Portuguese” Celso Cunha & Lindley Cintra. /In Portuguese, there is no accentuation equivalent to 'bisdrucciole' and 'trisdrucciole' – but it is possible to observe in some words of the language Portuguese the presence of a so-called secondary accent, in addition to the main one – information taken from the “New Grammar of Contemporary Portuguese” by Celso Cunha & Lindley Cintra.

Change information!/ Other information!

If you can access altri testi al site sull'argomento sillaba eat: “La sillaba" and "La divisione sillabica”. / It is possible to access other texts on the website about the syllable subject, such as: “La sillaba” and “La divisione sillabica”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Source: Brazil School -

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