Is it possible for the Brazil Aid to increase its value?

With the end of Emergency Aid, the government extinguished programs such as Bolsa Família and created Auxílio Brasil. This is a BRL 400.00 benefit for all families living below the poverty line.

However, unlike Emergency Aid, some families are dissatisfied with the value of the benefit. Follow the article and learn more details!

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Brazil Aid

Currently, around 23% of the Brazilian population is benefited by the Auxílio Brasil program, which, since 2021, has paid R$400.00 to several families. However, according to a survey by Datafolha, 68% of beneficiaries claim that the amount is not enough.

In a way, they are right, because, this year alone, the country's inflation is at an accumulated of 11.30%. This increase is felt directly in the basic basket products.

Thus, Provisional Measure 1076/21 passes through the Chamber of Deputies, proposing the creation of a extraordinary benefit, in addition to the aid, in order to supply the high values ​​of inflation on products basic.

The result of Brazil Aid in families

Auxílio Brasil was developed precisely to replace Bolsa Família. It was created in order to increase the government's popularity and ensure its re-election. However, some beneficiary families are dissatisfied with the amount paid.

The provisional measure would be a means to circumvent this situation. However, despite being seen with favor by some parliamentarians, others think that it is nothing more than an electoral maneuver to increase the president's popularity in this election year.

The fact that they forget is that of the families that need this help to pay off debts and buy food, which are more and more expensive every day. Thus, as some deputies say, what should be in question is the situation in which families are and how much it would need to increase to meet their needs at this time of crisis.

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