Is the Loch Ness Monster real? Scientists have clues to give the answer!

The Loch Ness Monster (affectionately called Nessie, by those who believe in him) has always been described in its legend as a marine animal that frightened the waters by its size. It is usually portrayed as a very long-necked creature that lives in the murky waters of the Scottish loch.

To date, no one has had concrete proof of its existence. However, this situation may change.

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That's because scientists claim that this legend has become very plausible after traces of a marine reptile were found. Check out this article for the latest information on the possible veracity of the Loch Ness monster.

Is the Loch Ness Monster real?

O Lake ness monster it is a very old legend, known all over the world. According to more recent information, the monster could just be a pleiosaur, an animal that existed 65.5 million years ago.

That's because small fossils of reptiles of this order have been spotted in a 100-million-year-old river system in the Sahara Desert. This suggests that plesiosaurs may have lived in fresh water and thus in Loch Ness.

What is a plesiosaur?

Plesiosaurus was first described in 1823 by a fossil hunter named Mary Anning. The small traces found were teeth of the animals. This showed paleontologists and other scholars that the possible monster fed on exotic fish that survived in the seas of Africa.

Traces of animals are being found scattered around the world. With this, there is the idea that, in times past, there were several animals like him in various locations.

After all, the Loch Ness monster is same a plesiosaur?

As plesiosaurs became extinct a long time ago, there are still doubts about the association with the sea monster. Ness lake. However, scientists are working hard on this hypothesis.

What remains for us mere mortals is to wait. After all, this story will only have an end when all the information is logically fitted for science to confirm the existence of Nessie – or not.

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