See the challenges to increase IT workforce, according to Sebrae

The Sebrae of Rio de Janeiro disclosed, in a survey, the challenges faced by companies in the field of information technology (IT) for hiring new professionals. Although the study was limited to Rio de Janeiro companies, it is clear that this is a recurring problem throughout Brazil, given that the main problem is the lack of labor, even though the state is the second with the highest number of professionals.

See more information about the research and what conclusions the experts reached.

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Challenges faced by IT companies

The whole world is changing

In a short span of time, there was a growing demand for information technology workers, especially for software developers. Several challenges, foreseen or not, arose in order to train new professionals, create job openings development of career plans, as well as the democratization of education and the creation of plans to combat sexism in profession.

With that in mind, the Micro and Small Business Support Service of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Sebrae-RJ) mapped out the main challenges for the IT sector. Counting on the collaboration of 300 employees from several cities in the state, a survey was carried out between July and December last year.

The researchers interviewed software developers and tech support specialists.

From there, these were the conclusions:

  • sexism

Today, 91% of IT professionals are male. This is still a challenge common to all tech jobs. This is a predominantly male profession. For this reason, it is likely that, sooner or later, companies will need to implement policies for training and hiring employees. women.

  • Lack of manpower

About 61% of the interviewed entrepreneurs reported difficulty in hiring professionals, especially due to low specialization, unskilled or inexperienced labor. This denotes a need to invest more in training new professionals.

  • Little mobilization and organization of the profession

Another challenge found in the research is the low union between the professional class. This is because 76% of IT professionals are not part of any association, union or business collective. For this reason, it is difficult to mobilize everyone so that they can seek advances for the class as a whole.

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