Gluten fattening? Understand the impact of gluten in your diet

In the quest to lose weight, many people resort to all kinds of diets and tips they find out there, as is the case with people who remove gluten from their dishes. However, it is more important to resort to the facts when looking for a way to the slimming healthy. That said, is gluten really fattening? See what the experts say!

Gluten is not fattening!

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In its composition, gluten is not responsible for making anyone fat, however, it is usually found in very caloric foods, such as bread and white pasta. Thus, it is common that, when removing gluten, people notice that they have lost a lot of weight, but the effect, in this case, comes from the removal of caloric foods.

To better exemplify this effect, let's consider those people who replace common breads with gluten-free breads and believe that this will be enough to make them lose weight. In fact, the gluten itself won't make the slightest difference and the switch won't have any effect, as the fattening components remain in the bread.

Thus, those looking to lose weight should look for healthy options in addition to pasta and carbohydrates. In this sense, going to the nutritionist will be of fundamental importance so that it is possible to find what is actually responsible for increasing the weight of the person. In addition, less caloric combinations will be made for dietdaily.

But is gluten bad?

Many people need to restrict the consumption of gluten, but these are only those who have Celiac Disease (CD) or intolerance to the element itself. In addition, gluten does not have any negative effects on people's bodies, on the contrary, it can be an important element for health balance.

After all, gluten, when consumed in a balanced way, can help in the proliferation and renewal of the good bacteria that remain in the small intestine. Thus, removing all gluten-containing foods when there is no need for it can lead to negative impacts on your body. Soon, leave the restrictive diet for those who really need to do it.

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