State Secretaries of Education jointly delivered a proposal for readjustment of the New Secondary School to the Ministry of Education (MEC). The act took place this Monday (3) and calls for the total repeal of the model that establishes the new way of practicing basic education.
Experts called this proposal "completely unfeasible". The entire application process was streamed online on social media and other platforms.
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The National Council of Secretaries of Education (Consed) met and took the document to the MEC, in addition, requested some changes, such as the offer of night high school, education for young people and adults (EJA) and also for high school students from the countryside, quilombolas, indigenous people, young people from the riverside, young people with disabilities and other publics not hegemonic.
New high school and better infrastructure
In addition to changes related to secondary education, the secretaries also demand improvements in the infrastructure of schools.
According to the document taken to the MEC at the beginning of the week, it is necessary to establish some minimum parameters that meet the needs of so many different scenarios within the school environment.
“Any minimum quality parameters must be established from a national investment plan enough to reach them, structured in a collaboration regime”, says the document, which had excerpts released by Brazil Agency.
In addition, it is worth noting that the Brazilian states and the Federal District are responsible for most secondary school enrollments.
Of the total of 7.9 million enrollments in this stage of education registered by the 2022 School Census, the State departments of Education are responsible for 84.2%, serving 6.6 million students in the network public.
controversial proposal
The New Secondary School was provided for in a law passed in 2017. According to her, part of the curriculum components will be common to students, being governed by the National Common Curricular Base (BCC). However, the other part of the training will be chosen by the student.
Among the options is to emphasize, for example, the areas of languages, mathematics, natural sciences, human sciences or technical education. The offer of itineraries will depend on the capacity of the teaching networks and schools.
Since last June 15th, the Public Consultation for the Evaluation and Restructuring of the National Secondary Education Policy has been open, which aims precisely at knowing what society thinks about the proposal.
The consultation can be attended until next Thursday (6), and, to participate, anyone can contact us at Official WhatsApp made available for this purpose.