Learn how to find out if there is forgotten money in the PIS

The PIS is the Social Integration Program, aimed at workers in the private sector. This is a program that promotes the integration of workers in the development of companies, as well as in public bodies. This occurs through social contributions paid by private and public companies, with the purpose of paying benefits for the worker, and consequently better distributing the national income. Learn now how to check if you have forgotten money in PIS. Read the article and see how!

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Important information about PIS quotas

To have money in PIS quotas, you must have been a worker with a formal contract. These quotas, in particular, are available to those citizens who worked with a formal contract between 1970 and 1988.

If the worker has not withdrawn the money at the time, he may have amounts to be received on account of the contributions made by the employer. The values ​​come from the collections made by the PIS and the Heritage Formation Program Public Service (Pasep), deposited in a public fund before the implementation of the Constitution of 1988.

How to consult and withdraw PIS/Pasep quotas?

The search to find out if there is money related to this process takes place through the CPF, and can be done at from the Caixa Trabalhador app, available on Google Play and the Apple Store, or through the Meu website and app FGTS.

Only workers who have not yet withdrawn their money will be entitled to withdraw their quotas. Payment will be made according to the month of your birthday. The beginning of this process took place on July 25, 2019, for people born in this month.

The beneficiary will still be able to use the FGTS application to transfer the funds to a checking account. To withdraw in cash, withdrawals of up to R$3,000 are only allowed at Caixa's self-service terminals, and also at lottery outlets.

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