In the extra edition of the Official Gazette released this Friday, the 12th, the Ministry of Education announced the new dates for Prouni. From now on, students summoned in the first call will have from August 15th to 24th to verify the information. See below what else has changed!
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New deadlines are set for Prouni
Students named in list from the first call will have from August 15 to 24, 2022 to present themselves, in person or remotely, to the institutions for which they were pre-selected. In addition, they must bring all the necessary documentation to prove the data registered at the time of registration.
Because of the change, some new deadlines have been set. Check it out:
- Result of the second call: August 29;
- Proof of information for the second call: August 29th to September 8th;
- Deadline to join the waiting list: September 13th and 14th;
- Announcement of waiting list: September 17;
- Proof of waiting list information: September 19th to 23rd.
What is Prouni?
The University for All Program (Prouni) offers full or partial scholarships for undergraduate courses at private higher education institutions. Registration for the program took place from August 1 to 5. The results were announced on the 9th; however, for the registration to be effective, the pre-selected candidate must provide information that proves that he meets some prerequisites.
These same data need to be confirmed.
The candidate needs to have:
- Gross monthly family income per person of up to 1.5 minimum wages to obtain a full scholarship;
- Monthly per capita income required is up to 3 minimum wages to get a 50% partial grant;
You must meet at least one of the following requirements to participate in the program:
1. Have studied:
- All secondary education in a public school;
- All secondary education in a private school with a full scholarship from the institution or part of the institution or without a scholarship;
- Partially in a public school and partially in a private institution with a full or partial scholarship from the institution or without a scholarship;
3. Having a disability provided for in the legislation;
4. Be a public school teacher (exclusively for undergraduate and pedagogy courses). The income limit is not required in this case.
Entries are made through the website. The candidate must have taken one of the last two editions of the Enem. In addition, you need a minimum of 450 points average in the scores of the five tests, not to mention that you cannot have zeroed the writing test or have participated in the exam as a trainer.