Who is entitled to exemption from Income Tax and how to get it?

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Every year, several people find it difficult to fill out the income tax and do not understand the process very well. This proves to be even more difficult when there are ways to not pay so much on the IR or even to receive exemptions. In this article, we will discuss who is entitled to income tax exemption and how you can apply for it. To learn more about it, just check out this text in full.

When does the income tax return start?

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In 2023, income tax will begin to be declared in March and will end in May. During this time, all individuals earning more than 1.5 minimum wages must declare their income.

In this document, it is necessary to say losses, gains and properties that were sold or bought. In addition, those who have companies or any business also need to make the earnings ratio.

What is the IR exemption?

In some cases, it is possible to obtain exemption from payment of income tax. That is, not everyone who declares the IR will need to pay for it.

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According to the new rule, everyone who earns up to 2 minimum wages will no longer need to pay the tax. This new norm comes into force from May, at the end of the income tax return.

How to apply for exemption?

In fact, at the end of the registration of the income tax return, which can be done by application or website, the platform already says whether the person was exempt or not. In other situations, such as for INSS beneficiaries, it is possible to request direct exemption.

For this, it is necessary to file a lawsuit to prove that the person receives some benefit from the INSS and will not need to pay for it again by the Income Tax.

To carry out the calculations and request exemptions, people usually turn to an accountant, who can really help to ensure that everything is adequate.


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