IPhone 6 Goes Vintage: Is It Still Worth Buying?

Trending in 2014, the iPhone 6 finally received the “vintage” title due to its time off the market. This term means that the object has become a classic and may already become a collector's item of considerable value. But is it still worth buying after all this time without updates? iphone 6? Check out!

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What does a “Vintage” phone mean?

In free translation, the term “vintage” can be easily understood as a classic, a product that refers to other times. In this case, to officially receive the classification, the device must have been out of the market for more than 5 years, but less than 7 years, as is the case with the iPhone 6.

Here in Brazil, the phone was sold until 2016, although its official launch year was in 2014. By all accounts, this phone model could have entered the list of “vintage” devices since last year, when it completed five years out of the official market.

However, it takes into account the time in which this same model continued to be merchandise on several other sites around the world. Thus, it officially starts to receive the title of “vintage” from the 15th of July, which dates the end of its sale in the market around the world.

Is it still worth buying and using iPhone 6?

After so many years, there are still those who say that the iPhone 6 was the best version, and even those who still use it, even outside of sales. That said, we can ask ourselves if it is still worth keeping, buying or using an iPhone 6, after all, there are still many people who make the device available for sale.

If your interest in the phone is in fact functional, for day-to-day use, then consider that the device stopped receiving updates in iOS 12. So, while this is still an excellent operating system, it lags far behind the models we know today.

On the other hand, the iPhone 6, as well as other Apple devices, have great resistance to the effects of time. Furthermore, if you are a collector, then the purchase will certainly be beneficial for your collection!

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