Check the next PIS/Pasep payment dates

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Many Brazilians are entitled to receive the allowance from the PIS/Pasep. However, many do not even know about the existence of this salary bonus.

Check below who is entitled to the benefit and what is the date of the next one, which will even take place in June.

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Who is entitled to PIS/Pasep?

In 2023, this allowance will benefit both public employees, who receive the Pasep, and those from the private sector, who are entitled to the PSI. However, only those who worked for at least 30 days under the CLT regime in the base year 2021 will be entitled to receive a minimum wage, which is the amount paid in PIS/Pasep.

But, stay tuned: to be entitled, the worker needs to have received up to two minimum wages in that same period. Those who earn above this amount are ineligible for PIS/Pasep.

It is also necessary that the worker has been enrolled in the PIS/Pasep for at least five years and has no pending or conflicting personal information contained in the RAIS or e-Social platform.

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When will the next PIS/Pasep payments be?

Payment of PIS lots, which pays private initiative workers, follows the order of birth of the beneficiary, that is, the birthday months are considered for the assembly of the calendar of payments.

As for public servants, the calendar is based on the final number of the worker's registration in their service.

As an example of this dynamic, private sector workers who were born between September and October will receive their PIS 2023 payment on June 15.

Meanwhile, civil servants with final registration 6 and 7, which are equivalent to the months mentioned above, also receive on June 15.

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