Plural of monday

It is common for people to have doubts about how to pluralize words that take a hyphen. This is the case for those who are in doubt about how to write Monday in the plural. Is it Mondays, Mondays or Mondays?

Thinking about who has this kind of doubt, we decided to write this article. Check out the correct way to write Monday in the plural.

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The formation of the plural of words composed of more than one radical needs to follow a series of rules, which result in some variations. Among them are:

  • the two elements that form the word are inflected;
  • only the first word-forming element is inflected;
  • only the second word-forming element is inflected;
  • none of the elements undergo bending, thus remaining invariable.

But after all, how do you spell Monday in the plural?

In the case of the word Monday, the word results from the juxtaposition of an ordinal number plus a noun. Both belong to flexible and variable word classes.

Thus, when a compound noun is formed by flexible and variable words, that is, nouns, adjectives, numerals and pronouns, the rule for forming the plural of monday is that all words will be inflected.

Therefore, the correct way to write and pronounce Monday in the plural is Mondays.

Usage examples of Monday in the plural

  • Every Monday we have classes in the afternoon.
  • In general, I hate Mondays. They are all tiring and monotonous.
  • On Mondays I go to the gym.

See too: Chat – What is the correct form to use the plural?

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