Condyloma acuminatum, dengue and yellow fever: viral diseases

Condyloma acuminata: caused by HPV (papilomavirus), causes lesions similar to warts in the genital region of the affected person. It is an STD that can also be transmitted through contact with underwear, gynecological instruments, toilets, among other objects that came into contact with an individual's injuries infected. There is no treatment for eliminating the virus, but the wounds can be removed surgically.

Dengue: the arbovirus causes symptoms such as high fever, loss of appetite, joint and muscle pain, and reddish skin patches in the infected person. Photophobia and sore throat may also be present. When it comes to dengue hemorrhagic fever, approximately four days after these manifestations, internal bleeding occurs, causing a decrease in blood pressure and abdominal pain. In many cases, the individual does not resist. Transmission in our country occurs through the bite of the infected female of the mosquito aedes aegypi therefore, it is necessary to aim population control measures for this species to avoid virus transmission.

Yellow fever: also caused by an arbovirus, and transmitted by the bite of females of Aedes aegypti When contaminated, the virus attacks lymph nodes, spreading to the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart and, in some cases, bone marrow. It can lead the individual to death. Due to liver involvement, the infected person has jaundice, justifying why this disease is called yellow fever. The same measures taken to prevent dengue should be considered here.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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