Does the diagnosis of depression guarantee the right to any benefit from the INSS?

People diagnosed with anxiety or depression can develop more severe and serious problems, such as panic attacks and other psychiatric illnesses. Furthermore, with social isolation, the cases of those suffering from these illnesses were accentuated, causing thousands of workers to be forced to be absent from their activities. So, keep reading and check if the diagnosis of depression guarantees the right to the INSS.

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In cases of depression, does the taxpayer receive sickness benefit?

All those who pay their contributions can apply for sick pay if they feel unable to carry out their work activities. In this sense, such benefits can take them away temporarily or permanently from work.

Therefore, sickness benefit is one of the types of help offered for cases of anxiety and depression that generate a temporary inability to carry out work activities. With this, the beneficiary can receive payment right after leaving work to focus on their treatment.

To be entitled to sickness benefit, you must have a grace period of 12 contributions, be unable to work for more than 15 days and be insured.

Is it possible to apply for disability retirement?

Disability retirement can also be an alternative for those suffering from depression. It is worth mentioning that the requirements for your request were not modified by the Pension Reform, only the way of calculating its value.

The worker who is affected by the disease must have at least 12 contributions to claim the benefit, be unable to return to work or be rehabilitated for another activity.

Furthermore, if during the medical examination it is found that the psychological problem is characterized as severe mental illness, the grace period will not be necessary. That is, the minimum number of contributions will not be required, it is enough that the worker has the status of insured before the INSS.

Therefore, it is the expert doctor who will define whether the insured person will receive sickness benefit or retire due to disability. In this sense, if he finds that the disability is temporary and has chances of recovery, the benefit available will be the sickness allowance. However, if you assess that the disability is permanent, the benefit indicated will be disability retirement.

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