Meaning: / Meaning: * “Discorso direct, indirect, direct libero, indirect libero, in grammatica and in stilistica, I principali modi con cui it is possible to riportare, nell'ambito di a new discourse, undiscourse (proper altrui) fatto in precedenza, assuming this parole di questo or addatandole in vario modus alla diverse situazione spazio-temporale del nuovo issuer.” / Direct, indirect, free direct, free indirect speech, in grammar and in stylistics, are the main possible ways of reporting, within the scope of a new speech, a speech (one's own or someone else's) made before, taking exactly the words of the latter or adapting them in different ways to the different spatiotemporal situations of the new speaker.
*Definition taken from the Dizionario Italiano Sabatini – Coletti edits dalla Casa Editrice Giunti.
Per capire the indirect disagreement it is important to know and know how to change the sleep process of the direct disagreement all’indiretto. Osserve! / To understand indirect discourse, it is important to know and know the changes that exist in the process from direct to indirect discourse. Watch!
- Si cambiano gli avverbi di tempo e luogo; / The adverbs of time and place are exchanged;
- Si cambiano i tempi and modi del verb. / The tenses and modes of the verb are changed;
- Si cambian le persone; / People change;
- Si cambian i pronomi; / The pronouns are exchanged;
- Si cambiano i pronomi dismostrativi e possessivi; / The demonstrative and possessive pronouns are exchanged.
Sign up! / Observation! If you want to know a po’ di più sull’argoment for indirect discourse, it is possible to see here: “Contrast tra i discorsi: diretto and indiretto” / If you want to know a little more about the subject of indirect speech, you can see the text on the website: “Contrasto tra i discorsi: diretto e indiretto” |
Al testo vedrai i cambi che succedono da diretto diretto all'indiretto con gli avverbi e espressioni di tempo e luogo. Vedi la tabella e gli esempi che seguono! / In the text you will see the changes that take place from direct to indirect speech with adverbs and expressions of time and place. See the table and the examples that follow!

Esempi: / Examples:
1) Giulia ha detto: «Oggi faccio il check up.» (diretto disagreement) / Giulia said:
- Today I do the check up. (direct speech)
2) Giulia ha detto che she faceva what giorno il check up. (indiretto disagreement) / Giulia said that she had her check up that day. (indirect speech)
3) Paolo ha detto: «Buy il biglietto del cinema stasera.» (diretto disagreement) / Paolo said:
- I'll buy a movie ticket tonight. (direct speech)
4) Paolo ha detto he bought the biglietto del cinema who will be. (indiretto discord) / Paolo said he was buying a ticket to the cinema that night. (indirect speech)
5) Gianlucca replied: «Sono venuto Thurs stamattina.» (diretto disagreement) / Gianlucca replied:
- I came here this morning. (direct speech)
6) Gianlucca responded that he was a venuto there quella mattina. (indiretto discord) / Gianlucca replied that he had come there that morning. (indirect speech)
7) Carlo ha raccontato: «tre anni fa ho Comprato questa macchina.' (direct disagreement) / Carlo told:
- Three years ago I bought this car. (direct speech)
8) Carlo ha contact me tre anni cousin he aveva Comprato quella macchina. (indiretto disagreement) / Carlo said that three years earlier he had bought that car. (indirect speech)
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Source: Brazil School -