History of Türkiye and Curiosities of Turkish Civilization

A history of turkish civilization has its origin in Asian continent. Subsequently, the Turks settled in the Middle East due to the waves migratory that directed thousands of people to other territories.

Around the 10th century, the Turks were converted to Islam and, since then, they themselves began to plan their political organization, which stood out among the others existing in the Middle East.

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History of Turkish Civilization

The first Turkish empire developed out of the Seljuk dynasty, drawn from the Turkish nomadic people, around the 11th century.

The regions controlled by this dynasty involved the territories of Palestine, Mesopotamia It is Syria. However, this imperial organization disintegrated due to internal conflicts. Therefore, the Seljuk dynasty lasted a short time compared to the one that followed, the Ottoman.

In the mid-13th century, the Turkish leader, Osman, also known as Otman, founded the Ottoman dynasty, responsible for creating the Turkish-Ottoman Empire.

As in the Seljuk dynasty, this empire followed the precepts of Islam and also developed in the Middle East.

However, the regions under its control were much larger, involving the region that currently corresponds to Turkey, the Arabian Peninsula, north of Africa, Mesopotamia, Syria and part of the eastern europe.

Turkish civilization
ottoman empire map

The Turkish-Ottoman Empire was founded in 1299 and lasted until the 20th century, after the World War I (1914-1918), in 1922.

The end of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire made possible the creation of Arab states in the Middle East and in the Balkan region, Europe.

Curiosities of Turkish Civilization

Let's see the main curiosities of turkish civilization:

  • Istanbul is a city in Turkey that is divided into two continents: European and Asian;
  • Orkut Büyükkökten, creator of the social network Orkut, is a software engineer who was born in Turkey;
  • The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, located in Türkiye, is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World;
  • According to the bible, Noah's ark landed on Mount Ararat, in Turkey;
  • It is estimated that every Turk drinks around 10 cups of black tea a day;
  • The tulip is a flower originally from Türkiye;
  • Contrary to popular belief, the capital of Turkey is Ankara, not Istanbul;
  • There is a Turkish word that has 70 letters, it is Muvaffakiyetsizleştiricileştiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmişsinizcesine;
  • Troy was a legendary city (where the trojan war) which was located in Turkish territory;
  • Turkey is among the 10 most visited countries in the world;
  • Turkey got its name from the turquoise stone, which is found in this region.

Learn more at:

  • 18 Typical Turkish Foods – Kebab, cigar and much more
  • map of eastern europe
  • Main battles of World War I

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