Test your IQ and try to identify, in 6 seconds, three cats without a tail in the image

Optical illusion games have become more and more common. The analyzed item can be, for example, an object or animal. It is a beneficial activity to increase concentration and hone your observation skills. In the image below, the challenge is to find three cats without tails in 6 seconds. Keep reading and challenge your brain in this optical illusion testing your IQ level.

The more stimulation, the more the brain responds to the proposed challenges

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Circles challenge: test your knowledge on an optical illusion!

In optical illusion tests, images are presented with some alteration of the object or person. This stimulates your brain to look for something familiar from another perspective.

In this challenge itself, you'll see an image that will test your power. cerebral. It is a figure where there are several black cats with green eyes. On the surface, they appear to be the same, but there are exceptions when you look closer.

So, amid all this excess of kittens, the challenge is to find three cats without their tails in just 6 seconds. Few people managed to solve the game.

Shall we try to be part of this small group? Pay close attention to the image below and count on the timer just 6 seconds. Worth!

Optical illusion.
Photo: Bright Side

Were you able to identify the cats? Otherwise, let's give you a tip:

  • Focus your gaze on three distinct regions: first on the right side both the upper and lower region, then on the central region on the left side.

Now look at the picture again and try to find them!

Ready! If you haven't found it, let's find out the exact location of the kittens.

We highlight it for you in the image below:

Optical illusion.
Photo: Bright Side.

So, did you like the challenge? Be sure to share with your friends and family to encourage them to stimulate various brain areas.

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