Attention maromba: these are the 6 best breakfast options

Nothing better than starting the day with a great coffee in the morning that can guarantee you satiety for the rest of the day and also health! For this, a protein meal is ideal, as it ensures your growth in muscle mass, as well as that feeling of satiety throughout the morning. See some options!

Protein breakfast options

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To ensure a good stock of protein that is capable of generating satiety and increasing muscle mass, you will need to invest in some key elements. For example: we can think of recipes that use cassava, eggs, grains and fruits. Check out the following suggestions:

Tapioca with scrambled egg

To make this recipe, you need to prepare tapioca, which requires two tablespoons of gum. In addition, you will need two scrambled eggs fried in olive oil. Just insert the eggs as a filling for the tapioca, in addition to adding flaxseed or chia to complement the protein value.

natural shake

With just a banana, half a papaya, a tablespoon of rolled oats and a glass of skimmed milk, you get an excellent protein shake! In case, just beat all the ingredients in the blender and indulge in this wonder.


The preparation of this wrap includes a wholemeal tortilla, the kind you buy in the market. The big secret is in the filling. In that case, you can add shredded chicken with grated carrots or a nice tuna pate. To complement, add a white cheese!


In a container, mix a large beaten egg with a tablespoon of cassava gum, then add also a tablespoon of rice and pea vegetable protein, as well as a spoonful of chia or linseed.

Transfer the mixture to a heated non-stick frying pan and cook the pancake on both sides.

A good option is to put a slice of half-cured cheese as a filling.


In a frying pan, you must add three tablespoons of couscous, a spoonful of pure butter, as well as two scrambled eggs made in oil. Just mix all the ingredients until a highly protein mixture is formed.

Oat porridge with banana

Finally, we have good, traditional, high-protein oatmeal. To make it even more potent, we can add a banana cut into slices, which will guarantee more satisfaction and also more mass gain.

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