Vale Gas 2023: Check the calendar for the month of February

According to the released calendar, the Bolsa Família payment will begin to be distributed next Monday, February 13th. The transfers are for the month of February and more than 20 million Brazilian families will receive the amount of R$ 710.

The month of February marks the first transfer of Vale-Gás in the year 2023, as the last month that beneficiaries had access was in December 2022.

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First transfer of Vale-Gas in 2023

The records must always be updated so that there is no dispersion in payments, as directed by the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight against Hunger. To gain access, you must have an income lower than or similar to half a minimum wage per person and be registered with the CadÚnico (Single Registration).

The payment schedule will continue until the 28th, always in the last ten working days of the month, according to the NIS (Social Identification Number). The payment of Vale-Gás takes place every two months, according to the plan of the

Federal government. Thousands of families in a vulnerable financial situation will receive 100% of the cost of cooking gas.

The average value is stipulated by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) for a 13 kg gas cylinder, with R$ 110. The last installment passed on to families took place in December and the month of February marks the first receipt in 2023 of Vale-Gás.

Bolsa Família and Vale-Gás calendar for this month

  • NIS ending in 1: February 13th;
  • NIS ending in 2: February 14th;
  • NIS ending in 3: February 15th;
  • NIS ending in 4: February 16th;
  • NIS ending in 5: February 17th;
  • NIS ending in 6: February 22nd;
  • NIS ending in 7: February 23rd;
  • NIS ending in 8: February, 24;
  • NIS ending in 9: February 27th;
  • NIS with ending 0: February 28th.

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