Simple self-knowledge test: take it in just 5 minutes!

Much commented today, self-knowledge is fundamental for a full life, with sensible decisions and according to your truth. Thinking about it, we brought a test of self knowledge simple for you to do in up to 5 minutes and know a little more about yourself and what your priorities are. Follow tiktoker instructions Emily Iniekio and answer the questions below. Soon after, you can check the answer and have important surprises about yourself.

Let's start the self-knowledge test!

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First, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a land.

This land is surrounded by a body of water. Make an effort and imagine as many details as possible.

Ask yourself questions regarding the land you have chosen

How is the land chosen by you? With grass, dirt, gravel? Are you too far from the water? Is the water calm?

Imagine yourself going into the water

Think you are entering the water. How does your body react? Is the water hot or cold? Is it comfortable or not? Did you dive deep or just stay at the tip?

Fill a glass with water

Imagine yourself filling a glass with water. What does the cup look like, what material is it made of and how high is the water in the cup.

drink the water

Imagine yourself drinking this water that you took from the land. Did you drink a lot? Did you feel sick?

Think there's a desk and a table on the ground

Imagine a table with a nameplate and a desk with a vase of flowers on top. Which place do you prefer to sit? Are they far from each other?

Find out what your answers mean

Once you've answered these questions in detail, find out what your answers say about you and what your priorities are. Why did you choose one over the other?

What type of terrain were you on?

If the ground chosen by you is firm, it means that in your life you have goals and live in a stable way. If the ground is mud or sand, it means that you feel insecurity and instability. It is quite possible that your life is chaotic and unbalanced.

How close are you to water?

Being very close to water means that you feel prepared for all of life's surprises. Initiative is one of its hallmarks, combined with the control of one's own life.

If you feel far from the water, it means you are uneasy about the direction your life may be taking and you live a more reactive and less proactive life.

How did you feel in the water?

Depending on the movement of the water, this can tell you how anxious you are about your life. Calm waters refer to a sense of relaxation, while choppy water is linked to a higher level of anxiety.

If the water you bathed in was cold, it could be associated with negativity and focus only on what is wrong. Hot water means calm and optimism with life.

How deep was the water?

Depth refers to how you handle unfamiliar situations. Staying only on the edge means greater caution, while deep dives mean taking risks without considering the consequences of one's actions.

How was the cup?

Transparent cup means you are open and transparent in life. While more solid and opaque colors mean more protection.

Likewise, harder glasses relate to your sensitivity to life. Thus, glass or ceramics mean protection of feelings, while plastic refers to a more emotional side.

How full was the glass?

The amount of water present in the glass means your confidence in life. The more water, the more self-confident you are in the face of challenges.

How much water did you drink?

The amount of water consumed by you means how social you are. Extroverted people drink more water, while introverts drink less.

What did you think of drinking the water?

Feeling disgusted by drinking water means being aware of one's bad characteristics and actively acting to improve. On the other hand, if the idea of ​​drinking water doesn't bother you, you've either accepted its negative traits or decided to ignore them.

Where did you choose to sit?

The table with your name refers to your attention to money and career, while the table with flowers means a person in tune with love and family.

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