Will there still be payment of Emergency Aid for heads of households in 2022?

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There is the possibility of paying the emergency aid for heads of households in 2022, however, there is still no certainty about this. If the payment is released, two installments will be paid and the expectation is that around 1.3 million families headed by single parents will benefit.

Read more: What to do when the Brazil Aid is cancelled?

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Retroactive payment of Emergency Aid installments

O Federal government requested the National Congress to open a special credit in the total amount of R$ 2.8 billion reais, which would be destined to the Ministry of Citizenship for the payment of two more installments of the benefit.

The measure aims to cope with a decision by Congress itself, which overrode a veto by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) last year, as initially there was a forecast of payment of five installments worth R$1,200 reais for men and women heads of single-parent families (who only have the father or mother as responsible), but the president vetoed the payment for the men.

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With the overthrow of the veto, single parents now have the right to receive payment retroactive payment of double installments of emergency aid, which is why the situation is still in discussion this year.

The value of the aid installments will be proportional

The amount of aid paid now will depend on how many installments the head of household father received in 2020, the first year of payment of the benefit. For example, if the beneficiary received the five installments of R$600 between April and August 2020, he will receive a total of R$3,000 in 2022.

On the other hand, those who received only three installments that year will be entitled to a retroactive installment in the amount of R$ 1,800 reais now. That is, the value will be proportional, according to what was already received initially.

Registration did not allow checking the option “male head of household”

Registration in the Caixa Tem application did not offer the option for men to select the alternative “head of household”. However, the Ministry of Citizenship reported that from now on it will check whether the parents who received the first round of benefit payments really do not have a spouse or partner.

Is there a date for the payment of retroactive installments?

According to the Government, payments began in December 2021 for beneficiaries who registered, to obtain the aid, through Caixa Tem or through the official website of the benefit. In addition, citizens benefiting from Auxílio Brasil will receive the two complementary installments in the first months of 2022.


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