Il natale to Napoli

When you go to the south of natal, you obviously think negli alberi con gli ornamenti natalizi, all’immagine del Babbo Natale, nei cibi saporiti and ci thinks anche nella corsa che si fa per comprar agli amici qualche regalino. / When talking about Christmas, one obviously thinks of trees with Christmas ornaments, in the image of Santa Noel, in the tasty food and also think about the race to buy some friends from souvenir.

Look, see a Christmas with the maggioranza of it person or non sanno if you have dimenticato that you have. It is the birthplace of Tradizioni, which is celebrated after the Tradizione della Chiesa Catollica (religion which is diffused in Italy) and is very interesting to meet you. / Also, there is a Christmas that most people either don't know or have forgotten exists. It is the birthplace of Traditions, which is celebrated according to the Tradition of the Catholic Church (the most widespread religion in Italy) and it is very interesting to get to know it.

The scelta della città di Napoli per scrivere sull’argomento si ren interesting, perchè lì è nata la Tradizione di fare e costruire i maggiori Presepi del mondo, and quesabitudine is still fine ad oggi.

/ The choice of the city of Naples to write about this subject is interesting, because there The Tradition of making and building the largest Nativity scenes in the world was born, and this habit continues to this day.

Vedi alcune abitudini sul Natale delle Tradizioni: / See some customs about the Christmas of Traditions:

In Italy, the celebration of Christmas begins on the 8th day of the special celebration of the Immacolata Concezione and is the scene of the statue that is part of the Montaggio of the Presepe. Question comes from smontato il 6 gennaio, giorno dell'Epifania oppure Festa della Befana. / In Italy, Christmas celebrations begin on December 8th, the day on which Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception is celebrated, and it is also the day on which the Nativity scene is assembled. This is dismantled on January 6th, Epiphany or Befana day (in Brazil, Twelfth Night).

To Napoli, c’è una via chiamata Via San Gregorio Armeno (famous al mondo per i diversi negozi dedicati all’arte Presepiale) and lì le persone hanno l’opportunità di vedere questa tradizione during tutto l’anno, perciò, i visitaori si sentono always all’atmosphere Christmas. Questa way remains affollata when mancano pochi giorni per il Natale, there if trovano tutti i tipi di Presepi che si può immaginare: from quelli tradizionali to quelli più moderni. / In Naples, there is a street called ‘Via San Gregorio Armeno’ (famous in the world for the various stores dedicated to the art of the Nativity scene) and there people have the opportunity to see this tradition throughout the year, so visitors always feel at the Christmas atmosphere. This street gets crowded just a few days before Christmas, there are all kinds of Nativity scenes you can imagine: from the most traditional to the most modern.

Via San Gregorio Armeno, in un giorno traquillo.

The tradition of Presepi fare, after the story, there is an all-anno cominciato di 1205. In that epoch, the Nativity scene raffigured the sacred scene of the Nativity with its rappresentanti classici: with the bambino in the mangiatoia, the Madonna and San Giuseppe, the bue and l'asinello. Oggigiorno, if you see al di there dei tradizionali, anche quelli che fanno scherzi sullo political scenario locale opurre mondiale ecc. / The tradition of making Nativity scenes, according to history, began in the year 1205. At that time, the Nativity scene represented the consecrated scene of the Nativity with its classic representatives: with the boy in the manger, Mary, Joseph, the ox and the donkey. Nowadays, in addition to the traditional ones, one can also see those who make jokes about the local or world political scene, etc.

(1) (2)

(1) Nativity scene tradizionale/ Nativity scene

(2) Crib contro l’influenza A/ Crib against influenza A

Il cenone del 24 dicembre (La Vigilia) and il pranzo di Natale – Napoli / The 24th December Supper (The Vigil) and Christmas lunch – in Naples

Come in Brasile, in Italia c’è anche a special ‘menu’ of the festeggiare queste date. Allora, vedrai alcuni cibi tradizionali che si fanno a Napoli o alla Regione della Campania. / As in Brazil, in Italy there is also a special menu to celebrate these dates. Then, you will see some typical foods that are made in Naples or in the Campania Region.

In genere si mangia a Napoli in queste date: / In general, people eat in Naples on these dates:

  • Per il Cenone (24 December)

Spaghetti con le vongole / Spaghetti with seafood

Insalata with broccoli al limone / Broccoli salad with lemon

Pasta di mandorle / Almond paste

  • Per il pranzo di Natale (25 December)

Minestra maritata / Vegetable soup

Beef al ragout / Beef ragout

Divine love (see the link and make a diviono love in Natale)/ (See the link and make yourself a Divine love at Christmas).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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