China advances in large-scale production of the country's first aircraft for civil use

Last Wednesday, Chinese state-owned COMAC, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, received government approval for large-scale production of the China's first civilian airliner. With this news, the Chinese Government also announced that this year the country will start commercial flights with its own aircraft.

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Meet the model C919

The aircraft in question is the C919 model, which is an entirely Chinese project and had its maiden flight in May 2017. Since then, the large-scale production of this plane for commercial purposes was pending approval from the Government of China to put the project into practice.

Then, last Wednesday, confirmation came and COMAC officially received permission to build the model. In this case, the C919 is a large aircraft that can carry between 158 and 168 passengers, in addition to having between 4,075 and 5,555 kilometers of autonomy.

Furthermore, it is expected that the model will compete directly with some North American models, such as the 737, from the Boeing company. Likewise, it should compete with some European models, such as the A320, belonging to the European company Airbus. Precisely for this reason, it is not yet known whether or not the aircraft will be allowed to fly over other countries.

Important moment for China

With the large-scale production of the C919 model, China begins another moment in its journey in search of industrial and economic autonomy. In fact, this was the plan since the founding of the state-owned COMAC in 2018, as China has a large ambition to become one of the greatest industrial powers in the world, without depending on the States United.

According to Chinese President Xi Jinping, this is an important moment in China's history, so the government will work hard to overcome any difficulties that may arise. Furthermore, the aircraft should be delivered in December and commercial flights should start early next year.

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