Diabetes may be associated with e-cigarette use

Electronic cigarettes are still a novelty and therefore, there are still few studies that can prove the harm of this item. However, some health conditions are related to the use of this type of cigarette, including diabetes. Recently research has shown that the use of electronic cigarettes increases the chances of diabetes. Read on to understand.

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Disadvantages of electronic cigarettes

Currently, there are already some studies that indicate that electronic cigarettes can indeed be harmful to health, even if it is one that does not have nicotine. Including, many people argue that using electronic cigarettes is better than conventional cigarettes. Especially for nicotine-free options, but that's not unproven either. Although there are studies about this, others also show some flaws in them, making it difficult to reach a precise conclusion.

In view of this, the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (Inca), the steam that comes out of this device can lead to lung infections. In addition, the chemicals in the liquid used in e-cigarettes can damage the cells that line blood vessels, increasing the chances of a stroke. Finally, the use is also associated with dermatitis, heart disease and cancer.

Electronic cigarettes and diabetes

What many people don't know is that e-cigarette use is linked to pre-diabetes. This association was made by a survey of 600,000 adults by Johns Hopkins University, in which this relationship between electronic cigarettes and diabetes and it was even noticed in people who do not use cigarettes conventional.

In view of the studies, this is a demonstration of how not only nicotine, but also other chemical substances can influence the ability to control blood sugar levels. In this sense, like “vapes”, even when they do not contain nicotine, they have “e-liquids” that contain other substances and, therefore, can increase the risk of diabetes.

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