3 dogs with very developed intelligence

We know that there are some humans with above normal intelligence who develop extraordinary abilities, but what about animals? There are a few dogs with highly developed intelligence who adapt better to training and learn to do amazing things, like even counting and reading! You probably didn't know that, but throughout this reading we explain more about it. Check out!

Read more:Faithful and smart: know which are the smartest dog breeds

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What makes a dog smart?

Dogs have a very high intelligence, they have the ability to understand up to 250 words and even some numbers. Studies have shown that a dog's intelligence is equivalent to that of a 2-year-old child.

They also have an extremely powerful sense of smell due to what is believed to be over 200 million olfactory cells. In addition, we can perceive the intelligence of these animals through the canine language, their gestures and looks. Dogs can have a very developed memory. Their memory capacity can be noticed as they learn commands. Some dogs learn tricks quickly and don't forget easily. This can also happen with names, images and sounds.

The three super smart dogs with amazing skills

Studies on intelligent dogs are done, but the profile of each one and their breeding is what will define their abilities. So, check out three dogs that were educated and have incredible skills below.

  • A poodle that can count

The famous poodle, named Mia, participated in the program American's Got Talent, presenting her talent of knowing how to count! She manages to bark the number of times corresponding to what her tutor is requesting. Even more impressive, she can read a number (without listening to the command) and bark correctly too.

  • the painter dog

Jumpy is a very talented dog! He had a dressage done by his trainer named Omar von Muller. Along with the basic commands (lay down, sit down and roll over), he was taught to paint beautiful pictures and even skate and scooter.

  • The smartest dog in the world

The border collie has developed a vocabulary with the names of 800 stuffed animals, 116 balls, 26 frisbees, and many other items using a dog training method created by their trainer, John Pilley. The smartest dog in the world, Chaser, was able to recognize over a million words. Sadly, he passed away at the age of 15 in 2019 from natural causes, just a year after his owner also passed away.

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