Come check out a misunderstanding that can lead couples to conflict

O support it is an essential factor in any type of relationship, as it is a present and captivating way of showing affection and consideration. However, many times the expectation placed on top of the support you want to receive can end up causing conflicts in your relationship. Therefore, in today's article, we are going to talk a little about this factor and how it can influence a relationship.

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Support in a relationship

In a relationship, partners tend to help each other in big and small ways. There are 3 types of support, namely:

  • Emotional support: the emotional one is one that is given in a moment of concern, empathy and love. Giving, for example, a shoulder to cry on or rooting for the success of the other.
  • Tangible support: this is a kind of practical support, that is, when you help your partner with practical everyday things – washing dishes, cleaning the house, cooking a meal.
  • Informative support: is when you share information and advice with your partner.

Each of these forms of support addresses a different need. However, many times, the support that was meant to be something positive in a relationship ends up leading couples to conflicts.

This is because, sometimes, your way of providing support, showing concern and care is different from the way your partner would like to receive it, which ends up generating a conflict between the couple. An example of this incompatibility is the following: your partner shared an experience with you that causes sadness and frustration, and your form of support for him is to give suggestions and advice to improve this sensation.

However, what he expected from you was emotional support, not informational support. He wanted at that moment to feel loved, but as the conversation turned to informational support, he ends up feeling emotionally invalidated. And on the other side of the conversation, because you provided support that in your mind was appropriate and your partner didn't receive it positively, you may end up feeling rejected.

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