What weighs the most on your light bill? 4 simple ways to save

the account of light is a charge made at the end of the month by electricity distributors to their consumers. With the increase in electricity prices, many people are wondering what to do to reduce these expenses. Therefore, in today's article, we are going to address the main points to save energy at home, thus helping you to reduce the value of your home. electricity bill.

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What weighs the most on your light bill?

Some basic habits, like turning off the light whenever you're not using it, are the best known for reducing energy costs. But there are more efficient points that will help you save energy at home, such as example: knowing which appliance consumes the most energy in the house or where to place the fridge.

Check now the main points to save energy in your home:

1. Air conditioning and electric shower

These are the two appliances that consume the most energy in a home. Therefore, it is important that you use them more consciously. For example, regarding the electric shower, the ideal is that you put the shower in summer mode, reduce the shower, turn off the shower when doing procedures such as shaving your legs and never reuse a resistance burned.

 2. Efficient use of appliances

Ideally, you choose to buy appliances with a high level of energy efficiency – giving preference to appliances classified as Class A – and use them in the best possible way to save electricity in your home. For example, when using the washing machine, it is recommended that you work with shorter washing cycles or the machine's economy mode.

In addition, you can accumulate dirty clothes in a laundry basket and when washing time, let the dirtiest clothes soak before washing. Furthermore, you should use the amount recommended by soap and fabric softener manufacturers. These tips are essential to use the washing machine less often, thus saving energy.

3. Avoid “ghost consumption”

“Ghost power” is when power is being consumed without you even realizing it. For example, when you turn off the television through the remote, the red light remains there, consuming more and more energy. Turning off an electrical appliance from the socket is an essential tip to contribute to considerable energy savings at the end of the year.

Therefore, when you stop using a device, you must turn it off completely, without leaving it in sleep mode, since this mode consumes energy little by little. Phantom consumption can range from 7 to 10% of a household's annual consumption, representing significant savings.

4. change the light bulbs

Halogenated light bulbs, CFLs and LED lights are more economical, consuming 25 to 80% less electricity. In addition to lasting much longer than traditional incandescent lamps.

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