Infallible homemade mixtures to help plants develop better

Plants are great options to have at home, as they provide many benefits to the environment, in addition to giving a touch of nature to the home. In this sense, it is important to provide ideal conditions for the plantation to be strong and healthy. so see how to make plants grow with these homemade mixes!

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There are plants capable of purifying the air, while others serve to relieve stress and promote a feeling of well-being and relaxation. Furthermore, there are many edible species that help improve health.

In view of all these beneficial effects, you need to care for your plants with care. Thinking about it, some items commonly found at home can be used to nourish and help in their development. So check out the list.

Homemade mixtures to promote plant development

1. white vinegar with water

Vinegar is a powerful ally to eliminate pests such as weeds, insects and fungi naturally. For this, you must spray some of the white vinegar with water on the roots of the plants.

2. Coffee grounds

Coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen, which is a great nutrient for earthworms and soil. Furthermore, they are able to combat fungi, ants and other pests that deteriorate plants. Aiming at these wonderful benefits, take some dry blur and spread it over the earth.

3. vegetable peelings

Vegetable peelings are very rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, which is why they are excellent for the soil and for plant growth. Thus, you can – and should – use potato, carrot, pumpkin, cucumber and other vegetable peelings to fertilize the soil.

4. tea bags

The purpose of using tea bags on plants is moisture retention. In that sense, make a small hole in the earth, bury a bag and then water the place. This way, the water will stay in the soil longer.

5. garlic and soap

This mixture is ideal for getting rid of pests. First, mix a tablespoon of vegetable soap, another of vegetable oil and several pieces of crushed garlic cloves. Then add 3 liters of water to these ingredients.

Then mix and then filter the contents and place in a container with a sprinkler, however you can also use a spray bottle. Soon after, just spray the content on the contaminated plants a few times a week.

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