Passato Prossimo: verbi irregolari

It is important for you to note that verbs with the past participle irregular occur very often, so it is necessary for you to memorize them.

To help you, always keep in mind that most irregular verbs belongs to the 2nd conjugation.

Fà attenzione alla Lista: / Pay attention to the list:

direct detto
fare fact
legger Letto
Scrivere script
Chiudere chiuso
arrest Stuck
Scenary cessed
Spender heavy
Header Chiesto
Rimanere rhyme
reply reply
see Visa
quicken squeeze
offrire Offer
Metter Messo
succeed Success
Spegnere spento
vincer twenty
bere Bevuto
venire Venuto
live Vissuto

Questi sono alcuni I gave verbi che hanno il pariticipio passato irregolare, però ci sono altri. Così, abbi always with te un libro dei verbi./ These are some of the verbs that have an irregular past participle, but there are others. So always have a book of verbs with you.

Osserva le frasi: / Note the sentences:

1) Giulia she has me che andrà in Brasile il prossimo month. / Giulia told me she's going to Brazil next month.

2) Ho fatto tutti gli esami. / I took all the exams.

3) written avete E-mail Mario? / Did you write the e-mail to Mario?

4) Leave Giulia ha chiuso the finestra? / Can you tell if Giulia has closed the window?

5) Hanno chiesto aauto. / They/They asked for help.

6) rhymed sleep in chiesa tutta la giornata. / I stayed in church all day.

7) Sew there is a risk to Giuseppe? / What did you reply to Giuseppe?

8) Giulia, have seen Mario?/ Giulia, have you seen Mario?

9) Chi there is tightness un conto in banca?/ Who opened a bank account?

10) Al complanno di Mario, there is offer a scene in a tradizionale ristorante. / On Mario's birthday, he hosted dinner at a traditional restaurant.

11) Ho meso I continued in the tavern. / I put the bills in my pocket.

12) Che it's success with Giulia? / What happened to Giulia?

13) hai spento la luce? / Did you turn off the light?

14) Chi there is a vint there partita di calcium? Who won the football game?

15) ho young troppa tantrum./ I drank too much beer.

16) Perché Paola non it's venuta all’università? / Why didn't Paola come to university?

17) Hai / Sei vissuto quanti anni all’estero? / How many years have you lived abroad?

Nota Bene! Pay close attention!

the past participle of the verb essere is irregular while the verb aver is regular.

Esempi / Examples

1) Marina she is big molto da fare settiama scorsa.

2) Hanno avuto a colloquium di lavoro questa mattina.

3) Giulia it's status molto gentile con Paolo alla cena.

4) Chi is state con voi alla Festa di Marco?

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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