Know the 7 types of love (and what they mean)

Love manifests itself in our lives in many ways. Between friends, family and even self love. All of them are types of love, according to philosophy. Many of us daydream about love for a lifetime, however this romantic idea of ​​love is modern. Thus, there are many other ways to love, thinking about it, we have prepared this article so that you know what are the types of love.

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different types of love

You certainly know the phrase by the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis in which he states that the way to love doesn't matter and what is fundamental is to know how to love. Knowing this is essential when it comes to love, because there are different ways of loving and being concerned only with one kind of love can cause you to neglect others, who are also important for a full and fulfilling life. happy. Know the types.

1. agape
Considered universal love, it is altruistic love, which is concerned with the well-being of others. It does not depend on kinship and usually contributes positively to the mental health of those who experience it, either through charity or care for the planet.

2. Storage

It is a kind of love related to parents and children. It is that affection that is born from the relationship of familiarity and dependence with someone and little depends on the individual's qualities.

3. Eros

It is romantic and passionate love and relates to the modern construction of romantic love, in which there is a perfect match or soulmate for everyone. It is one of the most appreciated by people.

4. Ludus

It's an uncompromising and fun love. It usually involves dancing, flirting and even seduction. They are casual and uncomplicated, with a focus on fun and sometimes no strings attached conquest.

5. Philia

Synonymous with friendly love, philia has been known since Greek antiquity. This type of love can be associated with trust, companionship and reliability. Usually, it involves reciprocity and a state of vulnerability in order to be able to open up and tell secrets.

6. philautia

It's self love. Often thought of as self-esteem, it refers to our own worth. It must not be confused with arrogance or as someone who sees himself superior to everyone else.

7. pragma

It is love that is based on reason or a sense of duty. It relates to long-term goals. Here, sexual desire is in the background and goals and personal qualities are valued, as in marriages that are arranged by families in some cultures.

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