Foods may decrease or increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

Maintaining a balanced diet helps you reduce the likelihood of acquiring an illness, so if you want to get rid of the risks of presenting illnesses in the near future it is important to start changing your eating habits. After reading this article, we're sure you'll think before eating the things that harm your heart health and turn to foods that fight cardiovascular disease.

Which foods to avoid and which to consume even more?

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A study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition decided to investigate which foods are good or bad for our cardiovascular health. And unlike most surveys that ask participants what they ate that day earlier, the researchers decided to go further and follow people's diets for five years. From then on, it became possible to discover how food interferes with the likelihood of developing diseases that could harm the heart.

How did the study work?

They decided to take more than 70,000 people who died of cardiovascular disease and analyze their eating habits compared to the approximate number of healthy people.

In all, the consumption of ten food groups was analyzed: whole grains; vegetables; fruits; nuts; vegetables; eggs; poultry; dairy products; fish/seafood and red/processed meat. Before analyzing results, they adjusted the data for age, sex, current smoking, BMI, alcohol intake and physical activity.


The results proved that eating red meat is very harmful, after all, its excess consumption increased by 23% the cases of death from cardiovascular disease as high consumption of foods such as fruits and vegetables decreased by about 28% probability. In addition, it is also worth mentioning the benefit of consuming nuts, which reduce risks by 27%, while grains reduce them by 13%.

The researchers did not say what exact amount this "big intake" would be, but we can confirm that the results were based on the foods most consumed and least consumed.

The study says nothing in its results about the link between seafood and human health. heart, but it is already possible – through the collected data – to build a diet that is good for the heart.

Increasing the intake of whole grains by 10 g per day reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems by 4%, while increasing the risk of cardiovascular problems by 10 g of red meat increases the risk by 1.8%.

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