Brazil makes agreement with Spain for student exchange

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Brazil signed an agreement with Spain to train teachers and managers, exchange students and teachers and promote research in education.

The Minister of Education, Rossieli Soares, and the Spanish Ambassador to Brazil, Fernando García Casas, signed a memorandum of understanding that provides for various training actions to spread language and culture, in addition to building knowledge in both countries. The realization of the projects will have the support of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI).

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“Our linguistic roots are very close and we have a lot to share. Language cannot be a barrier. We have a lot of scientific knowledge in both countries. We have a lot to share about basic education, teacher training, management, and so many other points”, said Soares.

The agreement provides for exchanges in areas of teacher training and pedagogical technologies; exchange of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students; training of teachers and researchers; seminars, workshops and conferences, among other actions. Implementation will depend, according to the signed text, on the availability of resources.

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“The memorandum will be the engine for the generation of scientific knowledge, so that it can be shared not only in English, but in Portuguese and Spanish”, said Casas.

The ambassador points out that Brazil and Spain are already close. Around 150,000 Spaniards live in Brazil and more than 100,000 Brazilians are in Spain, according to him.

Within the scope of the OEI, the agreement signed is in line with the Ibero-American Program for the Diffusion of the Portuguese Language, which was presented and approved by the Ministers of Education of the countries that make up the group.

“Our task is, together with the education ministers of the countries, to carry out everything necessary for the project. Working with teacher training, curricular proposals, with cultural exchange”, says the general secretary of the OEI, Mariano Jabonero. The information is from Agência Brasil.

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