Assistance is paid in advance for truck drivers and taxi drivers

The Caixa Econômica Federal began making aid payments to truck drivers and taxi drivers in the amount of R$ 1,000, this Tuesday, October 18th.

It is worth remembering that the previously scheduled date was only for the 22nd of October. With the payment released on the 18th, this will be the fourth installment of the Emergency Benefit to Autonomous Cargo Carriers (Bem Truck Driver).

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According to the forecast, the payments will be made until the end of the year, that is, until the month of December. At the present time, it is estimated that at least 377,000 truck drivers have received the benefit, generating a total expenditure of R$ 1.03 billion for the Federal Government. With regard to taxi drivers, more than 295,000 have already received their monthly payments, generating a total cost of R$877.3 million.

The deadline established for those who wished to receive the payment of the fourth installment ended on the 7th. With regard to the amount received from the fifth installment, the individual will be able to make the self-declaration until November 7th.

The amount is being deposited in a digital social savings account and the beneficiary can access the account through the “Caixa Tem” app or receive it at any Caixa branch. If, by some misadventure, the beneficiary does not use the account within 90 days, the amount deposited is withdrawn and sent to the National Treasury.

If, by any chance, the beneficiaries have any doubts regarding the payment, it is possible to contact the Alô Trabalho Service Center. To do this, just dial the number 158.

In addition, it will also be possible to collect information on the payment of installments at the CAIXA Citizen Service, just dial 111.

The benefits in question are part of the pre-election social package created through the Kamikaze PEC, decreed by Congress on July 14th.

Check the next payment dates for aid to truck drivers and also to taxi drivers

• 4th installment – ​​10/18
• 5th installment – ​​11/26
• 6th installment – ​​12/17

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